Cylinder Capping

Vertical cylinder capper for 160x320 mm specimens complete with ball traks for a positive location of the specimen, model 55-C0121/22A

Methods for end surface preparation of cylindrical concrete specimen are divided into three groups: bonded capping systems, unbonded capping systems and mechanical grinding systems. For bonded systems, the capping material must have a compressive strength no lower than the specimen. The use of unbonded systems is not permitted for concrete samples having strength higher than 80 MPa.

Our range of aggregate testing equipment allows you to analyze the thermal, physical, mechanical, chemical and humidity characteristics required by international Standards so that you can optimize the mix-design and predict the future behavior of the bituminous mixtures, concrete and mortar made with the aggregates tested.

Our aggregate testing range includes sieves for determining particle size, balances for measuring weight, and densometers for measuring specific gravity. More advanced testing equipment is also available such as Los Angeles abrasion machine, Micro-deval, polishing and crushing machines and more.

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